Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Freedom in Worship

In the dictionary it defines worship as worthiness, respect, reverence paid to a divine being (GOD). It also says it's excessive admiration of or devotion to a person. (GOD)
Worship is for the Glorification of God. Think back to last Sunday or the last time you were in church worshipping. Did GOD get all your respect, admiration and devotion? Do you think you glorified him? Did you put him above everything or everyone else?
This is not to pass judgement, I myself have given half hearted worship on many occasions. Either i am distracted by kids, other people, my wordly problems, or i'm afraid to worship freely because someone may think i'm some kind of freak! Well i've decided to become a freak, a JESUS FREAK!!
I think God deserves all of me not just parts. He is a jealous God and he doesn't want to share us with anything else in this world. Especially when we are claiming to worship him. Are we really giving him respect if we can't even give him 30 minutes of undivided attention a week. We should be giving so much more, think of all he gave for us! Are we really being devoted to God?
I am asking whoever reads this to examine your worship. Have you ever been prompted by the Holy Spirit to raise your arms during church, to go to the altar to pray (I can hear it now, we aren't supposed to go to the altar until the end. Does God have a time schedule?) to go and pray with someone? When I am fully worshipping God and giving him all I have, that is when I can truly feel the Holy Spirit moving so freely. God has so many big things for us if we just give him all the praise he deserves and quit putting him in a pretty little box. He is a big God let's give him room to move.
This will be a big challenge for me too. I never like to stick out. I like to fit into what we call normal, but is this really satisfying God? I feel God is calling us to a whole new level of worship.
I am do not pretend to know where things are in the bible but I'm pretty sure that it says that if we don't praise him the rocks will cry out on our behalf.( I need a few of my bible scholar friends help here) If this is true I am not going to have some rock doing my part. Did God send his Son to die for a rocks sins?
Well I hope this blog hasn't been a downer. I just feel really strongly that God is tired of the routine of worship and wants to see if people will follow the spirit even if it makes them feel uncomfortable.

Let it rain, Let it rain, open the flood gates of Heaven Let it rain.
I feel if we are obedient and open to the Holy Spirit that God will open the flood gates and take us to a whole new level but we have to give it all to him.

As i'm finishing this i'm already hearing that whisper saying don't post that you are going to offend people and they will think you are weird. You know what if I am being weird for Jesus at least it's for a good cause. LOL

Thursday, April 16, 2009

God's Will Not Ours.

I was reminded of a story yesterday, and thought it was a sad but true example of how we treat God sometimes. When Cameron was 6 they were going to have a dress up day at school. He comes to me and says, "mommy I need my sheriffs badge and can't find it." We searched everywhere we could think of and still had no luck. I told Cameron lets pray and ask Jesus to show us where it's at. After praying we went to searching again. Pretty soon I said here it is Cameron, Jesus helped us find it. Cameron took it in his hand and says, " I didn't want this one I wanted the other one." He decided afterwards that it would do if he couldn't find the other one. How many times in my life have I prayed for something and when it's happened it hasn't happened the way I wanted it to go. How many times have I asked for him to deal with my problems and he hasn't solved them the way that I wanted.
Sometimes we have to stop acting like a 6 year old, and say whatever your will for me is God ,I'm on board and thank you for caring enough for me to give me what I need not what I want. It's not about us it's all about you God.
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. psalm 143:10
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. I Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Saturday, April 4, 2009

This is just a praise God blog. My daughter was admitted to the hospital at Midnight Monday night but thanks to the grace of God we were out of there by 3 p.m. on Tuesday. She had rotovirus and sometimes with small children they can spend several days in the hospital. She still tires easily but is recovering nicely. My next praise is that after being unemployed for almost a year my husband was offered not just one but two different jobs on the same day this week. Gods timing is so awesome!! My third and most exciting praise is that my 8 yr old twin girls are going forward in church tomorrow to confess Jesus as their lord and savior. I am so excited for their decision. After their decision my 3 yr old says I want to get baptized. I said why and she said "because I love Jesus forever." Praise the Lord for all he does everyday even the little things.