Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lost in the Dark

Have you ever been sitting at your house during a storm and had the power go out? It's dark outside and your whole house is pitch black! You are used to where things are in your house and you know they are there but you can't see them!

That's how I have felt this whole week. Anything that could go wrong has. Through it all I know God is in it but it's so dark right now I can't see him.

I want so bad to know what his lesson is in all of this and when it will all end. I'm trying hard to lean on him but not sure he is hearing a word I'm saying.

I know everyone feels this way at some point in their life and there are far worse problems in the world than what I am dealing with. I'm just praying that God reveals himself to me soon.

God says he won't give you more than you can handle but I'm pretty sure he has more faith in me than I do.

This is kind of a random blog but my family could use some major prayers right now and who better to do that than my brothers and sisters in christ!!